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A baby learns by seeing, doing and trying.

Biểu đồ từ mang thai đến ngày sinh nở cần thiết

By the time your baby starts going to kindergarten, she’d have mastered how to walk, talk and eat. She will also have mastered the correct use of the toilet. Now, she has started to make friends and is able to ask questions and deduce answers. In fact, babies in the age group of 0-3 learn more through everyday interactions than in any other age group.

Your baby’s watching you!

One of the first things your baby will learn is to get your attention. And the reasons can be many - either she’s hungry, has a dirty diaper or if she’s tired, she might cry. In the process, she is also learning about human emotion. She will know how to act, make you laugh and get your approval. In this process, she will discover what makes you angry or happy just by observing your reaction.They say children soak up information like a sponge. It’s true. When babies younger than three are exposed to a second language, they never tell themselves that they can't do it. They learn it up by seeing, doing and trying. A three-year-old sees information, registers it and learns from it. And she is learning twice as fast as an adult will.

Help your baby learn from everything around

The best way to enhance your baby's learning or to give extra stimulation is simply by spending more time with her. If you are working in an office, make sure she is in a high-quality child-care setting. The ideal situation for toddlers and infants would be to have several attentive caring adults and older children who play with her regularly in a rich physical environment. During the time you spend with her, try to play, talk, share and be attentive. Use every occasion as it comes. If she’s in the mood to dance, then join in and dance with her. If she's playing peek-a-boo, engage with her. Be spontaneous and get down on the floor and interact with her. Your child will learn in situations where play isn't present.

The very important baby-adult interaction

An important research has found that deprivation of adult interaction made a baby’s development worse. In this way, the baby will learn about noise, life and the environment she’s in. She’s discovering her own possibilities. And while there are many factors that contribute to your baby's development, you as a parent should know that her first three years are very important and cannot be taken lightly. So, make sure to:

  • Interact with her often and in a variety of ways.
  • Show interest in the things that interests her.
  • Let her try and experiment during play time or otherwise.
  • Set up different learning opportunities for her. For e.g. pots and pans, a basket of clean laundry, empty boxes, etc.
  • Establish firm limits.
  • Be consistent with the behaviour that you find to be unacceptable.
  • Show your baby your love and pride.

In the end, if your baby doesn’t get the right quality of care then her knowledge will suffer. She may not get to reach the mental and emotional levels she should normally reach when entering kindergarten. And that’s why helping her to gain her level of intelligence is something you must focus on.



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